Saturday, August 15, 2009


Mr. Godwin Eyoh Namaya Moderating the Intallation Deliberations, July 25 2009

Congratulations ..............Congratulations...................................Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Please join the South Eastern Sub-Section in congratulating theLeadership and Militants of the newly installed Atlanta Central Branch.The Atlanta Central Branch led by President Wilfred Ntyame-Medjo was successfully installed on Saturday July 25th 2009 at the HolidayInn in Atlanta Georgia.

Executive of Atlanta Central Branch

The Newly Installed Branch Executive Pose for pictures with the Section and Sub-Section leadership. The moment we have all been waiting for.

President Sammy Ngalame of the South Eastern Sub-Section and Mrs Patience Tamfu, President of WCPDM USA Section and the newly Installed Branch President Mr. Wilfred Medjo-Ntyame.

The Installation was conducted by a panel involving CPDM hierachy from the Section, the Sub-Section and the Women's Wing at both Section and Sub-Section level.

Mr. Jackson Nanje eloquently led the fund raising appeal to millitants and supporters. The fact that the CPDM party in the USA thrives solely on support from its own militants, it was important to raise funds to help support party activities and support the new Branch.


Needless to say it has been a tough road not only for the Branch but for theSub-Section as well. This journey started many months back during the last Section Conference held in Atlanta. One Special Lady who now carries the title'Mother of the Atlanta Central Branch', Comrade Henriette Malouma attended the conference and felt the need to mobilize other Cameroonians in her network to start a Branch. It took several meetings hosted by Comrade Malouma to get us on the right path, It also took great commitment on the part of the Sub-Section Executive to lead this path.

While the Sub-Section continued to lay the foundation to enable the new Branch to rise, we cannot under - estimatethe support of the Central Committee in Yaounde especially Hon. Fogui who patiently guided this process. Special thanks to Section Executives who have sacrificed time, effort and even finance to see that this new Branch is born.

Special Appreciation to the President of WCPDM Mrs Patience Tamfu for going that extra mile in support of the Sub-Section her presence at the installation made us feel worthy. The CPDM USA Section President could not make it to the Installation but extended his best wishes to the Sub-Section and we say thank you to President Joseph Mbu.

We also thank all other Party Executives who supported the South Eastern Sub-Section in preparing for the installation: President Mbaku of CPDM DALLAS, Comrade CyprainEngwenyi for all your contributions, the list goes on and we thank you all for your support and encouragement over the last few months.

I must end with an echoe of the Message delivered by President Mrs PatienceTamfu at the installation ceremony: that we must unite and work together for the greater good of the Party. When militants are united and together, a lot can be achieved.

The CPDM is a party of Inclusion, it is the only party where all Cameroonians can feel welcome!!!!!!!!!!


Long Live the Republic of Cameroon

Long Live the Chairmain of the Party HE President Paul Biya

Long Live CPDM USA Section

Long Live the South Eastern Sub-Section

Long Live North Eastern Branch

Long Live Atlanta Central Branch
