The CPDM South Eastern Sub Section was officially installed by a Special delegation headed by His Excellency the Minister of Forestry Mr. Elvis Ngole Ngole from Cameroon.
The Sub-Section came into existence thru a supervised free and fair election process officiated by the special delegation from Cameroon. The Sub-Section legally comprises of two branches the North Eastern Branch Headed by President Godwin Eyoh Namaya and the Atlanta Branch. This Sub-Section also boasts of a very viable and growing WCPDM and a nurturing YCPDM. Together we constitute ourselves with one purpose and one goal, that of Nation Building.The Sub-Section holds Quarterly meetings and organizes open house and other events aimed at widening millitancy in our goal to foster nation building and development. If you are interested in joining the CPDM and you live in Georgia or neighboring Southern States of the USA please send an email to
Lady Kate Njeuma
General Secretary
CPDM South Eastern Sub-Section
The Sub-Section came into existence thru a supervised free and fair election process officiated by the special delegation from Cameroon. The Sub-Section legally comprises of two branches the North Eastern Branch Headed by President Godwin Eyoh Namaya and the Atlanta Branch. This Sub-Section also boasts of a very viable and growing WCPDM and a nurturing YCPDM. Together we constitute ourselves with one purpose and one goal, that of Nation Building.The Sub-Section holds Quarterly meetings and organizes open house and other events aimed at widening millitancy in our goal to foster nation building and development. If you are interested in joining the CPDM and you live in Georgia or neighboring Southern States of the USA please send an email to
Lady Kate Njeuma
General Secretary
CPDM South Eastern Sub-Section
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